River Derwent "Local Rod" Scheme - Click for Application Form
(Members must live within the CA13 Postal Code Area)
Permits to fish Association waters shall be allocated annually by the Association. No member shall fish Association waters without a permit allocated by the Association.
Allocation of permits shall be based upon the seniority of members in relation to:
i) the number of years a member has held a permit.
ii) a members placing in the waiting list.
River Derwent "Outside Rod" Scheme - Click for Application Form
(Applicants must live outside the CA13 Postal Code area)
Permits to fish Association waters shall be allocated annually by the Association. No one is allowed to fish Association waters without a permit allocated by the Association.
River Derwent Guest Scheme
A guest scheme is operated whereby members can enjoy guest days on the Association waters, either for themselves i.e. Cocker members wishing to fish on the guest water* of the Derwent, or for friends or visitors from outside the Cockermouth postal district, or for associate members of the Association. Please see rule 27 (g), (h), i) & (j) for further details.
The number of such tickets is strictly limited according to the waters fished, and application should be made in plenty of time to the guest secretary. All allocated guest tickets must be paid for within 48 hours by members or within 7 days for applicants outside the Cockermouth postal area. Tickets not paid for within these time limits may, at the discretion of the guest secretary, be re-allocated.
*Guest fishing is restricted to pools from Barn Dub to Castle Pool on the left bank and lower Lady Boat to Castle Pool on the right bank.
River Derwent Senior Guest Scheme
1) In the season where a Derwent member reaches the age of 65, he/she may voluntarily relinquish their permit.
2) A concession of voluntarily relinquishing permit is that the Senior Member may fish an existing local Derwent permit holders rod on a day ticket basis. This would be by mutual agreement between the Senior Member and the Local Derwent Permit Holder for a fee to be fixed annually at the AGM.
3) Senior Members may not take more than 20 day tickets per season.
4) Senior Members are entitled to fish all the Associations Derwent waters, subject to the same rules & conditions as all other Derwent permit holders.
5) The Senior Member must maintain membership status in accordance with rule 4(b).
6) The donor rod may only allow a Senior Member to fish on any day that they have not and will not fish themselves.
7) The guest fee must be paid & permit/receipt obtained from Cleelands, or the designated guest scheme provider, prior to commencing fishing.
8) All Derwent members opting for this scheme shall be protected, so that any new committee or notice of motion suspending or cancelling the scheme would not be able to remove their rights. The scheme will only cease through natural wastage. i.e. it will continue until the last member no longer wishes to continue as a Senior Member.